کافه بلاگ

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سپاهان درب
اطلاعیه‌پذیرش دوره‌های ‌‌MBA و ‌ DBA‌دانشگاه‌تهران‌
هشت سال گذشت تا دولت به ایستگاه انقلاب اقتصادی رسید!
تفسیری بر حضور مقامات اروپایی در تحلیف روحانی

As different domestic and international forces continue their campaigns against ISIS terrorists in Syria, reports published by the local sources indicate that the Syrian army has had the most successful operations during the recent days. Dayr al-Zawr, Homs and Aleppo are the places in which recent Syrian army operations have taken place.

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